Home Run

M takes the helm on the leg to Burritts Rapids

Friday, August 16; Day 85: Leaving Ottawa and its associated locks behind , we head up the Rideau River from Long Island locks for the stretch to Burritts Rapids, on a grey and blustery day, and are, not surprisingly, pretty much alone on the water. This is the northern portion of the canal, which is new to us, but we still find the nature of the Rideau familiar and it feels good to be back. We’re on the home run to Kingston over the next two weeks.

We stop for 2 nights at Burritts Rapids, a green and pleasant lock, where we wait for some better weather and do the usual lolligagging.

The top of the lock at Burritts Rapids. The usual suspects: American trawlers, Cruisers from Quebec, and weekend boats from the local area
A good spot below the locks
Dad and Daughter on a canoe trip

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