Where the buoys are

Mist over the Trent River

Sunday August 27, Day 73: The weather is holding, and while exceptionally cool – in fact cold – at night, the days are clear and with light breezes. This is good for our last three days on the Trent River over the 52 miles and 18 locks it will take to get to Trenton Port Marina on the Bay of Quinte. Each day we will go through 6 locks, many of which are in quick succession.

Hastings Lock 18

We start her up, and immediately go into our first lock, at Hastings itself, and, on exiting, commence our day by the captain making an alarming error: he had left the port engine in reverse when it was turned off, and on restarting this meant a mad scramble to prevent us proceeding backwards to the gates of the lock and damaging the dinghy in the process. Fortunately, no other boats were in the lock with us. A close call, and it somewhat flavoured the rest of the day.

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