The Spring is sprung, the Lake is riz.

From Easter to near the end of May, we have a weird spring: warm, then cold, then freezing, then warm, then blustery, then cold again, and all the time lots and lots of rain. So much rain, the water levels in the Great Lakes are higher than anyone can remember, with flooding and general despair from Michigan to Quebec. Lakers (huge cargo ships) can’t get under bridges in the States, the New York state Erie Canal opening is postponed, and the start of the season for the Rideau and Trent Severn Waterways are put back a week – so far.

Many marinas everywhere are flooded and can’t launch boats or take visitors because their fixed docks are under water. At Loyalist Cove Marina, where our boat is, we have floating docks, but there’s only so far they can rise until the water spills over onto land.

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